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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Obligatory New Years Post


New Year's is a holiday that is lost on me. I'm not one to flourish with expectations or preconceived notions of what "I'm supposed to do". I don't stay up late, I don't believe in resolutions, or a "new start". Until now. Maybe it's old age. Maybe I just like the idea of believing in myself, and pushing myself. Up until now, I've kind of been okay with me just being me. I'm starting to think that was me just not wanting to change.

Last year, I decided randomly that I wanted to do the C25K program. That shit was hard. I wanted to die after running 60 seconds, and looked weeks ahead when I was supposed to run for 15 sustained minutes and thought I would never make it.

Then, I did it. I ran the longest distance the program had to offer, and I was proud. I had never ran 3.1 in an actual race, but I did run it on the treadmill.

I decided, without ever running a race, that I wanted to run a half marathon.  I trained my ass off. I didn't run to lose weight (I didn't lose any), I didn't run to look good. I ran to prove I could. I did two 10 week training schedules (one on a flat trail, one only on the hills of our half). I finished my first half marathon in September 2013 in 2 hours and 14 minutes. I have never been prouder.

But, I also have never ever been so amazed at what I could do. I'm not skinny. I'm not athletic. I never have been in my entire life. I was 5'11 in 6th grade. I was clumsy and awkward. I wasn't some lanky little was like I was a full grown woman at 12. Big boobs. Tall. Unathletic. In dance class, I was the tall uncoordinated one they put in the back corner hoping no one would see. I was always a step behind everyone else.  Don't get me wrong. I was never really a "fat" kid. I was just never very good at anything athletic.

Fast forward 20 years later... and I'm still that girl. Except, I've had two kids, two csections, and far too many bottles of wine. To say people were shocked I could run 13.1 miles was an understatement.

That's kind of why this year I decided to set some goals. Not resolutions. I hate that word. Goals makes me feel better. I don't know why...Anyway...Goals. I've got 'em. For the first time I wrote them down, and I'm sharing them.

  1. Run two half marathons in under 2:10
  2. Cardio 3x/week
  3. Strength Train 2x/Week
  4. Eat Cleaner (MOST of the time!)
  5. Be slower to react with the boys and hubs
  6. Be more POSITIVE (This is a big one!)
  7. Feel comfortable in a bikini
  8. Add more money to the kids college savings
  9. Live without hesitation
There ya have it. I'm not sure if these are goals that are too lofty.. But I do know that if your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough.

2014...I'm ready for you. I'm ready for a new start, and a change!!  What about you? What do you think 2014 will bring?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think any goal is too lofty. But, if you're a perfectionist you do need to give yourself room to not reach all the goals! And, I'm NOT saying YOU are a perfectionist!! Lol! Those all seem like very attainable goals to me!! And good luck with them all!.,

    I don't make resolutions, I've never been a New Years person either. But this year I do need to focus on a few things, firstly my happiness. I feel it's missing. Only since I've been back to work. I know that's the problem, and I am working to change it! Once I'm back to a happy place, then I feel the rest will come in time. Like stop snapping so easily on my family, being happy with and working on my body. Yikes, I'm rambling. I'm done!! Happy new year beautiful!
