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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I love that Creepy Elf!

I don't know if you've come across a lot of the social media backlash on this poor elf... But it seems there are quite a few people who hate him, think he's creepy, or have mom envy of other's elf placing prowess. You can find out how I'm turning into a mom you'd like to throat punch here (as if you needed another reason to want to throat punch me).

Our Elf saving Christmas for the boys and girls of the train table.

I get it. He is super creepy. He is a lot of work. I have 9438290134839048239048 things going on. I don't have time to individually wrap 10 lego blocks with wrapping paper when I haven't even wrapped my own presents. Or licked my Christmas cards. Or finished my shopping. Or made lunches.

I get that when I do that, it makes you feel badly that you moved the elf from one shelf to another. But, this may shock you (and probably make you want to throat punch me again) but I don't care. I'm not doing this for you. I'm not trying to make anyone feel like less of a mother. Or feel guilt that they don't do the elf on the shelf. Know why? Because my existence isn't built on making you feel good or bad! Ouch! Sounds like it hurts, right?!

It shouldn't. Let me explain. As women we get down on each other in a huge way. You breast fed, bottle fed, let your kid cry, not make your child wear a coat when it's 20 degrees (more on that later), eat three pieces of pizza, are vegan, don't workout, run a 15 minute mile, run marathons, drink 3 nights a week, go to church... you catch my drift. We have an issue with each other on every.stupid,little,thing.

 I'm sorry. Plug your ears if you don't like "bad" words (they are my fave) but that's fucking stupid. I don't care what you do. You are AMAZING because you are YOU. You are a great wife/sister/husband/son/daughter/mother/father because you do what you think is important! It's asinine to think what I'm good at you will be. Or what I think is important, you will as well. Why do we need to knock each other? More importantly... Why would what I do make you feel badly? I share pictures because it's funny. Because it's part of my life. Because I like sharing ideas.

Yeah, I do elf on the shelf. I love it. I love seeing their expressions when they run down the stairs to find "Woody". I love knowing we have this special tradition to share with each other. I love the laughter. I crack myself up with the situations "Woody" gets himself into. Christmas is special. To me, it's important to share as much magic as I can, until they don't believe anymore. To me its an intricate part of childhood.

Again, I don't think I'm a better mom because I can put a silly toy on a table. I don't think I'm more creative, or have more time, or care more... Shit, I don't think I even love Christmas more than you. I just do what makes me happy. Shouldn't we all do what makes us happy? Even if it makes people want to throat punch us???

I leave you with a few images of our friend....


1 comment:

  1. I love elf too!! We have so much fun with "Eddy"! I just don't get all the elf "hating". BUT more importantly, if you hate it, fine, but don't bash all of us that love him. That is what drives me nuts!!! People going out of their way to make fun of him and tell us all that we need to rethink our "parenting skills". BITE ME!! I LOVE seeing all your elf posts! xoxoxo
