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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fevers, Chills, and 5K's.

Annnnnnnd I'm writing about the weekend. On Tuesday. Night. Sue me. I'm crazy busy.

Friday night was much needed! I was ready for this weekend. Big had been a handful all day, and I had decided in order for our survival I should consume a cold Miller and copious amounts of queso and chips.

"Hi, I'm Bethany and I'm an emotional eater. I may eat my feelings from time to time".
Hubs got home and we had pot pie (leftover from an all organic pot roast meal costing us around $1.30/serving! Real food wins again!) and I had a glass of wine and watched some stupid TV. Hey, I never said I was exciting or glamorous. I'm a SAHM of two under 5. Glamorous and exciting left 5 years ago. Haha.
Saturday morning Big woke up not feeling right. He had a hard time walking and said he had "the flu/pneumonia"...turns out he quickly spiked a 103 fever... ugh! I had planned to do a veteran's day 5K with my brother (Navy Vet), but he was unable to meet me. I ended up going alone. Which at first I hated. I hate doing races alone. Everyone has someone, and I just stand there looking at my feet wondering when I started junior high all over again. It ended up being a great race. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE doing something for a cause, and this one was great. It was through the Easter Seals of America, and proceeds helped vets with TBI and much more. I cried when they sang the "Star Spangled Banner"...buuuuuuuut-that always happens. I freaking love that song. And it always knocks me over that God blessed me with the ability to run.

I PR'ed my "official 5k" race time at 28:13... and I also placed first in my age group. They announced my name over a loud speaker. That shit doesn't happen. Ever.
I also made sure to get a massage before I left. Perfection.
I hightailed it home to see my still sick child... I ended up going shopping, and I even got a "You don't look old enough to have two kids" comment...which pretttttttty much made my day. Chalk it up to a pretty okay day.
Sunday... Hubs had his 2nd half to run, and I was running the 10k with him. HOLY SHIT BALLS was it cold. The wind cut through my clothes, and I was reduced to teeth chattering and jumping in place for 45 minutes before race time.


This was a great race, too. I love it. I love race culture, the energy, the possibilities... it's so amazing. I may or may not have cried at the "Star Spangled Banner" again watching my hubs stand in his corral waiting to start. I started my "adult" life in the town that the half was taking place. I own a home there that I bought with my ex-fiancé...I lived there for three years in a loveless relationship. I hated myself at that point in my life, and it was emotional and freeing to run through roads that I drove when I was at my lowest. A point in my life when I thought running 6.2 miles would have been impossible because I wouldn't have thought I was good enough to complete it.

Sorry. That's heavy. Moving on.
When I run, I dance. I mean....I jam out. Hands going, head swaying, and side steps here and there... and I of course did not disappoint people running behind me. They got quite a show. :) I aim to please. I ended up doing pretty well on this one, too. It was cold, windy, and HILLY AS SHIT! I don't know what was worse....the never ending hills or the hellacious switch backs when we came back down. I was like a limp rag doll with my legs flopping all around.

I mean, can we talk about the fact that I ran faster than 61% of racers? That's crazy. I'm not bragging, I'm surprised that a runner that couldn't muster 1 mile in March can now run races well. Well played C25K.
We had a beer with my teacher that I completed my student teaching with, and ate some delicious chili and came back home to a feverish child. (Go ahead and judge me... I would. I left my child to run a race. Not painting such a "great mommy" picture, am I?) He quickly deteriorated.  He was 103-104 and was having a hard time holding his head up Monday morning. Everything hurt... I don't typically take my kids to the drs when it's just a virus, or a fever. But I quickly made an appointment and took him in. Inconclusive results...I wasn't happy. We got home and he was delirious. He couldn't make sense, he was seeing people who weren't there.. We went right back in, did blood work...and they thought pneumonia. They wanted to give him an xray, but he wasn't breathing heavy...and I couldn't bring myself to expose him to unneeded radiation. I waited it out, hesitantly. I trusted that mommy instinct, and I'm hoping it paid off. We are fever free since this morning. Now, we just wait to see if little joins the club.
Hope you had a great weekend! 


  1. Thank you for running for a cause, my husband has TBI and PTSD so any help in that direction is greatly appreciated :) And you are not a bad mommy, youre making sure youre healthy before you can take care of your babies - it's that whole using the oxygen mask first concept :) great runs!! and I love your new layout!!

  2. Lots of races this weekend! Awesome mama! I would have ran too, bc it know my kids (as were yours) would be in good hands. Also, I feel like we would get along nicely. I had such a bad day on Monday that I ate my feelings all day too. And I'm cool with it. ;)

  3. Way to go girl!! Glad big is feeling better, I know how it is when you have sick babies AND plans. You're race times were amazing!

  4. I'm so behind on reading!!
    Wow, sorry about Big!! That's intense what he was going through! But, good for you for sticking with your instincts and passing on the X-rays!! Did Little end up getting sick too? I hope not!
    Damn, you're a fast runner!! Awesome! Maybe you were trying to outrun all the crap from your past in that town! Even though it looks beautiful!!
    And live it up girl, you do look young and hot for having two kids!! While I'm sitting over here all haggered and baggy eyes!M some weekends just rip me apart. Why. Can't they. Stop. Crying?!?! Lol!!
