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Thursday, November 7, 2013

We can't do it all... but we try!

Everyday I'm hustlin'...

 No seriously. When I was a working mom (hubs stayed home with big for three years and 2 months, and little for 2 months) I used to say if I stayed home I would just get fat and sit around all day. I worked. I loved working. I had no idea what a SAHM did all day. Let's be honest. I had no idea what the hell my husband did all day! Somehow, he managed to have a career in medical sales, AND take care of our kid. He's amazing. Have I mentioned that? There also may have been lots of TV involved, and school twice a week. :) I kid. He's an amazing dad, and I'm lucky I got to work with him staying home, and he's lucky to have spent time with big one on one for so long.
I did always feel the need to defend our untraditional way of life. Like somehow, my husband was less of a man because he stayed home with our kid. I'm sorry, fuck that. He's more of a man than most. He worked. Took care of the home. Played trains all day long (and if you have kids of your own you know playing with a toddler is like playing with a member of the Vietcong. "YOU play trains! YOU play trains NOW". I can't take credit for that joke fyi. I'm clearly not funny. Stolen from some comedian long before I understood that this would actually become a part of my life) and created a bond with our first born that will rival partnerships everywhere. 
Bottom line. Being a sahp is hard as shit. I thought I would stay home and hang all day long. Cook some stuff. Clean. Look hot. Hah. I was clueless. Take for instance today...
4:45am Up with little
5:30 Cleaning kitchen/Unload dishwasher
6am Playing with kids/Get Hubs off to work
7 am Making pancakes, feeding kids, cleaning kitchen
7:30 Get big pooping, dressed, lunches, teeth brushed, etc.
8 Drop Big at school
8:30 Prepare dinner
9:30 Clean kitchen
9:30-11:30 Play with little, loads and loads, and loads of laundry
11:30 Make lunch
11:45 Feed Little
12 Clean Up
12:15 Grocery Store
12:45 Pick up Big
1:30 Potty Big
1:40 Read stories
2 Put Big to bed/Bottle Little
2-4 Laundry, clean bathrooms, wash floors
4:15 Snacks/Get ready to leave
4:30 Drive to karate
(Drop little at daycare, take big to karate, run 2.5 miles, pick big up, pick little up, kids in car)
6 Home to eat
7 kids to bath
7:30 Clean kitchen
8 Make lunches
8:30 Put big back to bed for the 93492384902384 time
Finally shower for the day, put on a sports bra, and buttonless pants. Youfancyhuh?
I'm not saying I'm special. Or I'm good at what I do. I'm saying I was misinformed. I thought I could do more. I thought I would have downtime. I thought I would love being a SAHM. But, truth be told... I don't love it. I'm not being ungrateful. I know there are lots of people who would kill to be in my position. But, we don't make tons of money. We bust our asses to have a parent stay home with our kids. It doesn't mean that we think parents who daycare are bad. I'm not. I'm just personally not strong enough. Or I'm too much of a control freak. Either way, it's my issue. Hubs and I have been SERIOUSLY thinking about me going back to work next year. Even if it's just part time. I'm a MUCH better parent when I'm a working one.
Only time will tell. But, I do know one thing. We all have the same 24 hours. I made time to work out. I made time to make a dinner from scratch. I made time to sit on the floor and play with my kids....Because one day, I won't have that time. I'm trying to make do with what I have. Same as every other parent. We can't do it all, but we all try!


  1. Oh my goodness...I love you... This is a truly perfect post. Most days I'm exhausted and I don't even know what I've done because nothing is done add a few mom kids into the mix and me going to school plus keeping my kids schedules (football, wrestling, baseball, basketball).. Right now I have dishes in the sink and clothes in the laundry and I just can't figure out where my day went. I try to do it all too...every single part of it. Why do we do this to ourselves. SAHP does not mean stay home it means run wherever our kids need us to go and do everything they want us to do..Great Post!

  2. I hear you! I think about working part time, just so I have the opportunity to put on some normal clothes! I do babysit two days per week at my house, but sometimes I want to GET OUT!

  3. I have worked since baby girl was 8 months old - I have no choice. If I did have a choice, I would most likely still work, Im a much happier mommy/wife when I carve a bit of my own life into this world - do I feel guilty? All the time, would I change it? prob not :)
