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Friday, October 18, 2013

It's probably about time I break away from the safety of Instagram, and actually post something of a little more substance.

I wasn't always this way...Oh baby, I was born this way... I didn't used to obsess over organic food, chemical free living, and nap schedules...I once was a fun girl. A girl who drank too many captains and diet (TALL with Lime!), danced on tables, and ate Andy Capp Hot Fries while walking home from the liquor store at 2 am while walking the dog.

Motherhood has changed me. Well...not just motherhood, let me explain. I made the change when I was pregnant with Big. I read everything I could... I showered obsessively the second I got home from work (I mean...c'mon...2nd graders are disgusting!), and calculated what vitamins and minerals big got each day from his food. (I may or may not have set out food for an entire week for him to make sure he was getting everything he needed- yeah, that sounds bad. I know...problems). I questioned doctors, but I listened... I mean, they're doctors. They went to medical school for shits sake. Blind faith.

Then. I had little.

Oh, my little. His troubled first year. I'll get into that in another post...But my boy was troubled. I put that blind faith into the doctors, but this time...No one had answers. No one at all. And then it began. It became my life's mission to help my sweet boy. I obsessively researched. All of my waking (non taking care of babies) hours... All the hours I held my sick boy. Sat in doctor's offices. Sat in hospital waiting rooms. And so become my journey. My love of all things natural. My desire to keep all things away from my children that would hurt them. Please let me tell you what I've learned...the hard way..the easy way...and every way in between!


  1. Cannot wait to read more. Also- let me know if you want an invite to my (private) blog. I just need your email. :)

  2. Oh my god!! I'm so excited! You don't know how many times I've thought about why you don't have a blog!! So excited to learn more about you, your lifestyle choices and what the hell Andy Capp Hot Fries are!!!

    1. Oh, I love you. You are simply the best. Oh my. Andy Capp Hot Fries are freaking amazing! They are like straw shaped Cheetos that are ridiculous spicy! Add lots of alcohol...yum.

  3. I wondered why you didn't have a blog!! So excited!!

    1. Ahhh y'all are killing me with kindness. All that instagram posting...someone just hoped I started a blog so I stopped posting so damn much! Haha! Thanks for the love!
