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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's that time of year again....

Sickness, sickness everywhere....
No seriously, keep your hands away from my shit. And when I say "my shit", I mean...most specifically my kids. Haha. It's no secret I am a self proclaimed germaphobe. I see someone coughing, and I'm ready to hit the deck. I've gotten better. I knowwwww that we need to be exposed to germs, but it doesn't mean I like it. I hate it. But, I deal. When I was teaching 2nd grade I legit got an award for being the most cloroxed classroom. If you follow me on instagram (I'd link up...but I'm completely clueless as how to actually do that), you know that I don't use chemicals in my house... Hence the "semi-crunchy" blog title. We'll get to the conservative part.:)
I now clean with only vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. Yup. Hippie.
Sick Kid Arsenal
Anyways... getting to the point. Big has come down with a cold (thanks a lot sir-cough-a-lot from karate. You sir, are stellar). I wanted to share my sick kid arsenal because it works. It's awesome. I didn't believe in all natural remedies.. But I guess once you try them, it's hard not to rely on them! They work!
Sorry about the terrible picture! Let me explain the above...
I make a "tincture" of apple cider vinegar (1 tbs), raw honey (1 tbs), turmeric (1 tsp), cinnamon (2tsp), and a slice of lemon and give it to my kids two/three times a day when they get sick. I put it in chamomile tea for them, because it's straight up nasty. I gave it to big straight last night. He puked on the floor. Hippie mom fail. Oops. Tea it is.
I also give my kids homemade chicken broth (bone broth is healing for the gut), Epsom salt baths (to get toxins out faster), and they take a daily probiotic. I cannot say enough good things about the type of probiotic my kids use. It's dairy free, and it's amazing(Jarrodolphilous). When my kids get sick, I also give them elderberry syrup to kick it in the butt. Usually, they will get sick for 2-3 days, tops.... I use saline drops to usher the "bad germs" to their belly instead of their noses and throat, and it makes the mucus thinner so it doesn't settle where it doesn't belong!

Nooowwww... I know you're thinking I'm a nut job. I've just made this all up. I haven't. I promise.  When I started my journey...I started my obsessive researching. I have researched this like crazy. But, don't believe me! Research for yourself! Just know there is more out there than cough meds and Tylenol. Speaking of that...I never, ever give my kids fever reducing drugs (advil, Tylenol) unless they are very uncomfortable. Fever raises the heat in the body so it's able to fight the illness better. Taking fever reducing drugs will increase the duration of the illness! I try and let the body do it's job! Now, if my babies are uncomfortable... meds it is! But a low fever? Its fine! High fever? It's fine!The severity of the fever means nothing. If your child feels okay without the drugs..No need! The fever (although scary) is actually helping! Nothing to worry about! :) I

Here's a little information for you on some of the things I talked about!

Do you have any natural remedies that you use??


  1. Girl, I can remember when you posted about the elderberry. I went and got it right away. I DO believe that it works great! Unfortunately my kids don't love it and don't always take it ... But for myself and my husband it's been awesome! We haven't gotten as sick as we normally might, and definitely not for as long either!
    That being said, I was out of it this past week when I had a cold, so I took Airborne instead, and I feel like that did it as well!

    1. I'm glad it helped! It has such a weird taste, it's hard to get the kids to take it. My poor kids are used to the strange stuff I give them... so they just take it. Haha. I'm glad you're feeling better!!

  2. Well holy crap look who has a blog... my IG crush... Supermom!! I'm so so happy and seriously I'm listening to my kids cough right now... SO does that mean I need Elderberry for them... No meds are working. Email me a list and I'll go shopping tomorrow. SO happy that you made it too the blogging world!!

    1. Awwww! Way to make me feel special! :) Not even CLOSE to supermom! You should have seen me this morning when I almost killed big! Ahhh! The not listening is killing me! I'm sorry the kids are sick! I hate that about this time of year! The best thing to get is going to be raw honey (local Michigan is best!) and elderberry syrup! I like the "Sambucus" brand the best! It seems to work the best! I've been taking it like crazy so I don't get sick as well! Good luck, and thanks for the warm welcome to the blogging world! I'm loving it so far! :)

  3. I love this post!! I have zero time to research, and love to hear what other people have tried or use. My brother has been vegan for 18 years, so he passes a lot of his info on to me, but it helps knowing the view of another mom!!
