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Monday, October 28, 2013

Heyyyyyy There Debbie Downer!

I hate when people are all "woe is me"...but... by God I think I am woe lately. I am struggling! Truth be told, as a family we are struggling! We all have ebbs and flows...and this one is just down in the dumps lately. I need time to be with my hubs. To be just us. Not mommy and daddy! Our kids have been cranky, sassy, sick, and not sleeping. That doesn't make for a happy household. Bleh.

Anyways...This weekend wasn't anything stellar. On Friday night we all hung out and went to bed early. I slept all night in big's room because his cough was just something fierce, and I didn't want to leave him alone. Hubs spent a significant chunk of time on little's floor. We have been "supernanny-ing" him lately (more like controlled crying instead of cry it out). He cries, we go in there and face away from him while he rolls around.

Plus: He doesn't cry. Negative: I do.

I cannot sit on his floor anymore, and frankly it doesn't help. So- I forge ahead, ignoring my mommy instinct and let him cry. I hate it, but it works.

Note: We are not attachment style parents, but I do believe in a lot of it.. We did CIO with big, and he's still a terrible sleeper!

Saturday we ran around and did a bunch of work that needed to get done! I made chili for my nephew's birthday party for a cook off (I got 2nd place...shoulda voted for my damn self. That's what you get for trying to be fair. 2nd place!). We had lots of fun playing with cousins and spending time with the fam. Plus, we both slept in our bed. Score one for the parents.

Sunday hubs went for a run, I went for a run and went to the gym to lift some weights to get rid of these bat arms and wine flub. So far, they are still there. Running has been another area in my life that is just shitty lately, too. I need to find my mojo in life again! I stopped at my most fav place in the world (Whole Paycheck Foods) and picked up a "Stress Helper". I'll keep you posted on my thoughts on it!

Here's to Monday being a great day and a great start to the week! If you need me I'll be muttering my new mantra... "I choose to be happy, I choose to be happy, I choose to be happy!"
Enjoy your day!!


  1. Awe. I feel ya. We get that way too...all 7 of us. Sometimes like kinda sucks. Its ok to complain to us...thats what we are here for plus it makes you feel better....alittle at least. Please let me know about the stress pill you're trying.. I need that in my life... BIG TIME!

    1. Sometimes, it does just suck! Haha! And 7 shitty attitudes...ahhh! 4 seems like a lot right now! :) I'm liking the stress pill so far! It may just be a placebo, but I feel like I'm reacting so much better to stressful situations!

  2. Some days can be SO hard! I get it! And it's not easy to chose to be happy when everyone is screaming, you have a pile of crap to get done, and nothing seems to be working out!! I feel as moms, we lose so much of ourselves, and then our relationship too! It's sucks. It's hard not to let parenting take over our lives! I hope the pill helps, tell me if it does! Between all of us bloggers we may just keep them in business!

    1. Amen! It's hard to be just "Bethany" sometimes! You always are thinking about what everyone needs, and how to "fix" everything!! I'm liking the pill so far! I like that it's just herbs, and I can take it when and if I want!

  3. Jakob STILL sleeps with us and it really sucks. Weve tried making him sleep in his bed and it just doesnt work. Some nights we dont mind him in there with us, hes the best snuggler in the world... but there are other nights we want him in his bed.. hahaha! I hope your boys start feeling better, the crud just evacuated our house and hopefully it doesnt come back for awhile. As for your mojo, you'll get it back! Just keep doing what youre doing, you are supermom after all!

    1. Hahahah! I wish I felt like supermom on occasion! Kids sleeping is so hard! We went through a long period with Big sleeping on our floor, and Little just has NEVER, EVER been a super sleeper!
