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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Obligatory New Years Post


New Year's is a holiday that is lost on me. I'm not one to flourish with expectations or preconceived notions of what "I'm supposed to do". I don't stay up late, I don't believe in resolutions, or a "new start". Until now. Maybe it's old age. Maybe I just like the idea of believing in myself, and pushing myself. Up until now, I've kind of been okay with me just being me. I'm starting to think that was me just not wanting to change.

Last year, I decided randomly that I wanted to do the C25K program. That shit was hard. I wanted to die after running 60 seconds, and looked weeks ahead when I was supposed to run for 15 sustained minutes and thought I would never make it.

Then, I did it. I ran the longest distance the program had to offer, and I was proud. I had never ran 3.1 in an actual race, but I did run it on the treadmill.

I decided, without ever running a race, that I wanted to run a half marathon.  I trained my ass off. I didn't run to lose weight (I didn't lose any), I didn't run to look good. I ran to prove I could. I did two 10 week training schedules (one on a flat trail, one only on the hills of our half). I finished my first half marathon in September 2013 in 2 hours and 14 minutes. I have never been prouder.

But, I also have never ever been so amazed at what I could do. I'm not skinny. I'm not athletic. I never have been in my entire life. I was 5'11 in 6th grade. I was clumsy and awkward. I wasn't some lanky little was like I was a full grown woman at 12. Big boobs. Tall. Unathletic. In dance class, I was the tall uncoordinated one they put in the back corner hoping no one would see. I was always a step behind everyone else.  Don't get me wrong. I was never really a "fat" kid. I was just never very good at anything athletic.

Fast forward 20 years later... and I'm still that girl. Except, I've had two kids, two csections, and far too many bottles of wine. To say people were shocked I could run 13.1 miles was an understatement.

That's kind of why this year I decided to set some goals. Not resolutions. I hate that word. Goals makes me feel better. I don't know why...Anyway...Goals. I've got 'em. For the first time I wrote them down, and I'm sharing them.

  1. Run two half marathons in under 2:10
  2. Cardio 3x/week
  3. Strength Train 2x/Week
  4. Eat Cleaner (MOST of the time!)
  5. Be slower to react with the boys and hubs
  6. Be more POSITIVE (This is a big one!)
  7. Feel comfortable in a bikini
  8. Add more money to the kids college savings
  9. Live without hesitation
There ya have it. I'm not sure if these are goals that are too lofty.. But I do know that if your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough.

2014...I'm ready for you. I'm ready for a new start, and a change!!  What about you? What do you think 2014 will bring?

Procrastination is like.....

Finish that sentence, and you know you're only screwing yourself. Haha. If you can't finish that sentence, well then... that joke is lost on you. Sorry. :)
If you're not on instagram, you probably don't hear this enough. So, there you go. :)

I am THE BIGGEST PROCRASTINATOR, ever. Well... I'm not sure I'm so much of a procrastinator as an adult living with ADHD. My life goes something like this....

"I need to throw in a load of laundry" turns into the realization that I didn't vacuum yet this week. Then while I'm vacuuming I realize that I need to reorganize the kids books. Then I decide to pull out all the holiday books. Then I organize the play room. Then I go through the kids clothes and pull out what doesn't fit. Next thing I know, it's dinner time/time to pack lunches/time for breakfast and I haven't done a thing, and there is still a mound of laundry on the laundry room floor.

Preparation when I'm focused is essential in my life. I can focus when I don't have a whining todder pulling out all the dishes making "shakes" and a 4 year old convinced he's a snow leopard crashing in to things. Sunday is a good day when dad is here and they would rather bug him for a change.
I don't really "meal prep" in the sense that I make all my meals for the week. I instead make a breakfast and a snack for hubs and I, and then I make a snack or two for the kids. Hubs has leftovers for lunch each day, and I make the kids lunch depending on what they had for breakfast that day.
I make a huge batch of pancakes/French toast/waffles once every two weeks or so and freeze. That way it's easy to pull out of the freezer, and I only have to cook breakfast twice a week!
This week I made Gingerbread Oats in the crockpot for breakfast...
These are super easy!
  • 2 cups steel cut oats
  • 7 cups water
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 tbs molasses
  • 1 tbs ground ginger
  • 1 tbs ground clove
  • 1 tbs cinnamon
  • 1 tbs allspice
  • 1 can pumpkin puree
Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Done! I served mine with a little extra milk and walnuts for flavor! This one is much more flavorful than the pumpkin spice oats I posted about last week!
Our snack this week is hard boiled eggs (with a side of coors apparently! Hahah!)

Energy Bites

These I just made up as I went along, but they are super yummy! I kept 6 out, and froze the rest!

Energy Bites
Makes 16

  • 2 Ripe Bananas
  • 1/2 Can of pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 Cup Chia Seeds
  • 1 tbs raw honey
  • 1 Cup Old Fashioned Oats
  • 1/2 Cup Shredded Coconut
  • 1/4 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips (I use ENJOYLIFE brand-top 8 allergen free)
Mash together! Add more honey if it isn't sticking, or more oats if it's too runny! I baked for 20 minutes at 350 degrees!

Frozen Yogurt Covered Raspberries

(Makes 2 dozen)

  • 24 Raspberries
  • 3 Tablespoons Greek Yogurt (I use FAGE because it is more a "true Greek" yogurt
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla
  • 1 Tablespoon Raw Honey
Mix the honey, yogurt, and vanilla together! Roll raspberries in yogurt mixture and roll in flax seed. I froze in baby food trays, but a cookie sheet would work better!

(I also made salted pretzel chocolate chip cookies...but that was for hubs work!)

I made quite a few awesome recipes this week that the whole family loved, but to be honest...I started this post over three weeks ago, and I forgot what they were. Haha!! Follow me on instagram (TheMrsCicero) where I post lots of different food ideas! :)


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I love that Creepy Elf!

I don't know if you've come across a lot of the social media backlash on this poor elf... But it seems there are quite a few people who hate him, think he's creepy, or have mom envy of other's elf placing prowess. You can find out how I'm turning into a mom you'd like to throat punch here (as if you needed another reason to want to throat punch me).

Our Elf saving Christmas for the boys and girls of the train table.

I get it. He is super creepy. He is a lot of work. I have 9438290134839048239048 things going on. I don't have time to individually wrap 10 lego blocks with wrapping paper when I haven't even wrapped my own presents. Or licked my Christmas cards. Or finished my shopping. Or made lunches.

I get that when I do that, it makes you feel badly that you moved the elf from one shelf to another. But, this may shock you (and probably make you want to throat punch me again) but I don't care. I'm not doing this for you. I'm not trying to make anyone feel like less of a mother. Or feel guilt that they don't do the elf on the shelf. Know why? Because my existence isn't built on making you feel good or bad! Ouch! Sounds like it hurts, right?!

It shouldn't. Let me explain. As women we get down on each other in a huge way. You breast fed, bottle fed, let your kid cry, not make your child wear a coat when it's 20 degrees (more on that later), eat three pieces of pizza, are vegan, don't workout, run a 15 minute mile, run marathons, drink 3 nights a week, go to church... you catch my drift. We have an issue with each other on every.stupid,little,thing.

 I'm sorry. Plug your ears if you don't like "bad" words (they are my fave) but that's fucking stupid. I don't care what you do. You are AMAZING because you are YOU. You are a great wife/sister/husband/son/daughter/mother/father because you do what you think is important! It's asinine to think what I'm good at you will be. Or what I think is important, you will as well. Why do we need to knock each other? More importantly... Why would what I do make you feel badly? I share pictures because it's funny. Because it's part of my life. Because I like sharing ideas.

Yeah, I do elf on the shelf. I love it. I love seeing their expressions when they run down the stairs to find "Woody". I love knowing we have this special tradition to share with each other. I love the laughter. I crack myself up with the situations "Woody" gets himself into. Christmas is special. To me, it's important to share as much magic as I can, until they don't believe anymore. To me its an intricate part of childhood.

Again, I don't think I'm a better mom because I can put a silly toy on a table. I don't think I'm more creative, or have more time, or care more... Shit, I don't think I even love Christmas more than you. I just do what makes me happy. Shouldn't we all do what makes us happy? Even if it makes people want to throat punch us???

I leave you with a few images of our friend....


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I have a problem.

I can't help it. I freaking love food.
More than that, I love good food. Hubs has recently put me on a "grocery budget diet" because I can easily spend $250/week in a blink of an eye (I must add that includes diapers/wipes/toiletrees/clothes....everything!).
 I buy ALWAYS buy organic dairy, meat, and produce....and I USUALLY buy organic snacks, grains, and beauty products mainly to due to their commitment to be GMO free (I know it's not always the case, but Whole Foods and Trader Joes store line is committed GMO free) and usually doesn't include food dyes and HFCS.  Anyway, I was at Kroger this weekend looking for quick snacks to give the kids...and I seriously couldn't find anything to give them that didn't have a food dye or gmo corn syrup. Ugh.

I typically give my kids two snacks a day... a fruit/veggie and then some sort or bar/muffin/cheese... So, I need to make these things. They may not be organic, but I can pronounce every ingredient. A plus. Real food. So, I guess you could say I'm on a real food quest. Here are some great recipes that I tried this weekend! Let me know if you try them, and love/hate them! :)
Banana and Sunbutter Muffins
(With Cauliflower and Squash)
Dairy Free/Peanut Free/Wheat Free
  • 3/4 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup Sunbutter for Peanut Free (Peanut butter and almond butter would work great)
  • 1/2 Cup Cauliflower Puree
  • 3 Bananas Mashed
  • 1/4 Squash Puree
  • 1 Large Egg White
  • 1 Cup Coconut Flour (or whole wheat)
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
These are seriously to die for. My kids eat them up! If you're not familiar with making purees... I just make the veggie in big batches... and puree with the cooking water in a blender. I freeze in baby food trays (but ice cube trays are the same) and I have bags and bags in my freezer of pureed fruits and veggies. Makes my job easier!
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. In a bowl mix the brown sugar, banana, purees, egg white and nut butter with an immersion blender or wooden spoon.
3. In a plastic baggie mix all dry ingredients.
4. Mix all together with a wooden spoon. Do not over mix. Will be lumpy.
5. Put in muffin tins. Bake 15-20 minutes (or until toothpick comes out clean)
I mix a tbs of brown sugar and flax seed meal and sprinkle on the muffins before I put them in the oven. It makes kind of a streusel topping !

I doubled the recipe and froze all of the muffins in sandwich baggies and put them all in a freezer bag. That way I can throw it into a lunch and it won't be freezer burned! :)
Pumpkin Pie Steel Cut Oats
(In the Crockpot)
  • 2 Cups Steel Cut Oats
  • 1 Can Pumpkin
  • Lots of Cinnamon (haha)
  • 1 tbs of pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 tbs vanilla
  • 7 Cups Water
  • 2 Cups Milk (I used vanilla was amazing! We don't use a ton of cows milk in our house. I don't love coconut or almond milk because of the additives. We drink flax and goats milk the most)
Put in all in the crock pot on low for 6-7 hours. The oatmeal is super yummy. It's "instant", and you know everything that's in it. I mean, take a look at a packet of instant oatmeal. There are probably 20 ingredients. This has 6 including spices!
This made enough for hubs and I to eat each day this week...and the kids ate it as snacks! I loved a banana cut up on top with a  little extra cinnamon! :)


Vanilla Protein Bread
(Disclaimer: I don't love this. Hubs on the other had did. He puts raw honey or cream cheese on it. Me...I'll pass)
  • 1/2 Cup of Cauliflower Puree
  • 1/2 Cup Egg Whites
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 Cup Vanilla Protein Powder
  • 1 Tbs Raw Honey
  • 1 tbs Vanilla
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Pinch of Cinnamon
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a loaf pan. Add all ingredients and mix with an immersion blender or blender. Bake for 40 mins. Top should be brown and firm to touch!
I use My Fitness Pal! Add me! TheMrsCicero

Let me know if you try any recipes! :)


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fevers, Chills, and 5K's.

Annnnnnnd I'm writing about the weekend. On Tuesday. Night. Sue me. I'm crazy busy.

Friday night was much needed! I was ready for this weekend. Big had been a handful all day, and I had decided in order for our survival I should consume a cold Miller and copious amounts of queso and chips.

"Hi, I'm Bethany and I'm an emotional eater. I may eat my feelings from time to time".
Hubs got home and we had pot pie (leftover from an all organic pot roast meal costing us around $1.30/serving! Real food wins again!) and I had a glass of wine and watched some stupid TV. Hey, I never said I was exciting or glamorous. I'm a SAHM of two under 5. Glamorous and exciting left 5 years ago. Haha.
Saturday morning Big woke up not feeling right. He had a hard time walking and said he had "the flu/pneumonia"...turns out he quickly spiked a 103 fever... ugh! I had planned to do a veteran's day 5K with my brother (Navy Vet), but he was unable to meet me. I ended up going alone. Which at first I hated. I hate doing races alone. Everyone has someone, and I just stand there looking at my feet wondering when I started junior high all over again. It ended up being a great race. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE doing something for a cause, and this one was great. It was through the Easter Seals of America, and proceeds helped vets with TBI and much more. I cried when they sang the "Star Spangled Banner"...buuuuuuuut-that always happens. I freaking love that song. And it always knocks me over that God blessed me with the ability to run.

I PR'ed my "official 5k" race time at 28:13... and I also placed first in my age group. They announced my name over a loud speaker. That shit doesn't happen. Ever.
I also made sure to get a massage before I left. Perfection.
I hightailed it home to see my still sick child... I ended up going shopping, and I even got a "You don't look old enough to have two kids" comment...which pretttttttty much made my day. Chalk it up to a pretty okay day.
Sunday... Hubs had his 2nd half to run, and I was running the 10k with him. HOLY SHIT BALLS was it cold. The wind cut through my clothes, and I was reduced to teeth chattering and jumping in place for 45 minutes before race time.


This was a great race, too. I love it. I love race culture, the energy, the possibilities... it's so amazing. I may or may not have cried at the "Star Spangled Banner" again watching my hubs stand in his corral waiting to start. I started my "adult" life in the town that the half was taking place. I own a home there that I bought with my ex-fiancé...I lived there for three years in a loveless relationship. I hated myself at that point in my life, and it was emotional and freeing to run through roads that I drove when I was at my lowest. A point in my life when I thought running 6.2 miles would have been impossible because I wouldn't have thought I was good enough to complete it.

Sorry. That's heavy. Moving on.
When I run, I dance. I mean....I jam out. Hands going, head swaying, and side steps here and there... and I of course did not disappoint people running behind me. They got quite a show. :) I aim to please. I ended up doing pretty well on this one, too. It was cold, windy, and HILLY AS SHIT! I don't know what was worse....the never ending hills or the hellacious switch backs when we came back down. I was like a limp rag doll with my legs flopping all around.

I mean, can we talk about the fact that I ran faster than 61% of racers? That's crazy. I'm not bragging, I'm surprised that a runner that couldn't muster 1 mile in March can now run races well. Well played C25K.
We had a beer with my teacher that I completed my student teaching with, and ate some delicious chili and came back home to a feverish child. (Go ahead and judge me... I would. I left my child to run a race. Not painting such a "great mommy" picture, am I?) He quickly deteriorated.  He was 103-104 and was having a hard time holding his head up Monday morning. Everything hurt... I don't typically take my kids to the drs when it's just a virus, or a fever. But I quickly made an appointment and took him in. Inconclusive results...I wasn't happy. We got home and he was delirious. He couldn't make sense, he was seeing people who weren't there.. We went right back in, did blood work...and they thought pneumonia. They wanted to give him an xray, but he wasn't breathing heavy...and I couldn't bring myself to expose him to unneeded radiation. I waited it out, hesitantly. I trusted that mommy instinct, and I'm hoping it paid off. We are fever free since this morning. Now, we just wait to see if little joins the club.
Hope you had a great weekend! 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

We can't do it all... but we try!

Everyday I'm hustlin'...

 No seriously. When I was a working mom (hubs stayed home with big for three years and 2 months, and little for 2 months) I used to say if I stayed home I would just get fat and sit around all day. I worked. I loved working. I had no idea what a SAHM did all day. Let's be honest. I had no idea what the hell my husband did all day! Somehow, he managed to have a career in medical sales, AND take care of our kid. He's amazing. Have I mentioned that? There also may have been lots of TV involved, and school twice a week. :) I kid. He's an amazing dad, and I'm lucky I got to work with him staying home, and he's lucky to have spent time with big one on one for so long.
I did always feel the need to defend our untraditional way of life. Like somehow, my husband was less of a man because he stayed home with our kid. I'm sorry, fuck that. He's more of a man than most. He worked. Took care of the home. Played trains all day long (and if you have kids of your own you know playing with a toddler is like playing with a member of the Vietcong. "YOU play trains! YOU play trains NOW". I can't take credit for that joke fyi. I'm clearly not funny. Stolen from some comedian long before I understood that this would actually become a part of my life) and created a bond with our first born that will rival partnerships everywhere. 
Bottom line. Being a sahp is hard as shit. I thought I would stay home and hang all day long. Cook some stuff. Clean. Look hot. Hah. I was clueless. Take for instance today...
4:45am Up with little
5:30 Cleaning kitchen/Unload dishwasher
6am Playing with kids/Get Hubs off to work
7 am Making pancakes, feeding kids, cleaning kitchen
7:30 Get big pooping, dressed, lunches, teeth brushed, etc.
8 Drop Big at school
8:30 Prepare dinner
9:30 Clean kitchen
9:30-11:30 Play with little, loads and loads, and loads of laundry
11:30 Make lunch
11:45 Feed Little
12 Clean Up
12:15 Grocery Store
12:45 Pick up Big
1:30 Potty Big
1:40 Read stories
2 Put Big to bed/Bottle Little
2-4 Laundry, clean bathrooms, wash floors
4:15 Snacks/Get ready to leave
4:30 Drive to karate
(Drop little at daycare, take big to karate, run 2.5 miles, pick big up, pick little up, kids in car)
6 Home to eat
7 kids to bath
7:30 Clean kitchen
8 Make lunches
8:30 Put big back to bed for the 93492384902384 time
Finally shower for the day, put on a sports bra, and buttonless pants. Youfancyhuh?
I'm not saying I'm special. Or I'm good at what I do. I'm saying I was misinformed. I thought I could do more. I thought I would have downtime. I thought I would love being a SAHM. But, truth be told... I don't love it. I'm not being ungrateful. I know there are lots of people who would kill to be in my position. But, we don't make tons of money. We bust our asses to have a parent stay home with our kids. It doesn't mean that we think parents who daycare are bad. I'm not. I'm just personally not strong enough. Or I'm too much of a control freak. Either way, it's my issue. Hubs and I have been SERIOUSLY thinking about me going back to work next year. Even if it's just part time. I'm a MUCH better parent when I'm a working one.
Only time will tell. But, I do know one thing. We all have the same 24 hours. I made time to work out. I made time to make a dinner from scratch. I made time to sit on the floor and play with my kids....Because one day, I won't have that time. I'm trying to make do with what I have. Same as every other parent. We can't do it all, but we all try!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The mother of all weekends!

Now, I think I know why I never started a blog...I can't seem to post on a daily basis! It's hard when pretty much everything I do is with my kids, and since this is public (my IG-themrscicero isn't), I don't want to share pics of my kids. I have a certain someone from my past that I would prefer not see pics of my kids! :) Hmm.. That sounds like a good post idea.

Anyway, I digress. This weekend was HEAVEN. It was perfection! Hubs took off Friday, so let me start off with Thursday! Halloween was fun!

It was pouring, but otherwise not too bad! We ate chili (tradition) with my parents, and then we met up with my SIL, BIL, and their three kids to trick or treat. Big was adorable, and I loved to hear him yell "THANK YOU SO MUCH" each time he got candy. Little was hardcore. He wanted to walk up to each house on his own, and would say "Twick Tweet pwease".

Big told us he had a cookie at school that day, so he didn't think he should have any candy that day even though we told him it was okay. :) He chose two pieces of candy, and then he gave the rest up! Little can't have much of anything (everything has peanuts, or is made in a facility that processes peanuts...and all the other stuff is too hard to chew!). I may or may not have walked around with a coffee mug full of wine. What?! Don't judge. I was celebrating a holiday. Hahaha.

Friday! I woke up (at 5am due to my asshole kids!) like it was Christmas morning! I was so excited! I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off...and I am kiiiiiiinda obsessive about schedules, food, and my kids. Can you say OCD? :)

Hubs and I put the kids down for a nap, and we were off! We went to a local trail and ran a couple of miles, and then we went to the gym for an hour and a half and lifted weights. It was so fun to have his input on what I should do at the gym! We NEVER get to go together!  We ate at the gym's cafĂ© (Cheese quesadilla for him, and chef salad for me!), and went to check into the hotel!

We were warmly greeted as returning guests! I love returning to the site of our wedding. It makes me SO nostalgic. Point 1 for hubs! We got up to the room and my romantic husband had made it so there was rose petals all over the room, and wine, cheese, and chocolate covered strawberries were waiting for us. Swoooooon. Have I mentioned I love that man?

We indulged, showered, and got ready to go out! It was a short walk to our downtown...and our first stop was a local brewery.. I had a coffee and cream beer and we had some crab dip and chips! We then went to a DELICIOUS restaurant and split a filet...and I might have had a glass of wine or two. Back to the hotel music and drinks. We lived it up!


Saturday! Hubs was a tinnnny bit hung over so we decided to go down and have breakfast in the hotel restaurant! We had a hair of the dog...because, it could hurt! And I had eggs benedict...mmmmmm. We napped and then went Christmas shopping for the kids! Went back to the hotel with a deep dish pizza, and I may have ate it in bed. We napped again and then got ready to go out! We went to a local irish pub, and played pool and had some cocktails! I ate a delicious burger, and we went back to the hotel bar to listen to some music. Spanish coffee and dirty martinis came to play... and we headed back upstairs! (P.S. Selfies and I...we just don't get along. I suck at them!)

Over all, it was an amazing time. It's incredible how I'm able to fall in love all over again. Especially when it's just us. You may think I'm a horrible mother, but I'll always choose my husband first... We needed that time, and I realized how much I had missed my fun hubs. We're going to be tons of fun when we're 50 with no kids at home!

Hope y'all had a great weekend! :)